Extension Actions

New in version 2.5.1.

Extension actions are used to add custom action links to Pootle. Extension actions are Python scripts that can perform tasks such as generating language packs, provide downloads, or performing checks across several languages and returning a report.

Implementing an extension action

Extension actions are Python classes in module files stored in the pootle/scripts/ext_actions directory. The names of modules or classes are not important, but only classes derived from the subclasses of ExtensionAction will actually create extension actions.

There are several subclasses of ExtensionAction defined, depending on the scope of the action.

  • ProjectAction – an action that will apply to all or part of a project.
  • LanguageAction – an action that will apply to a language across multiple projects.
  • TranslationProjectAction – an action that will apply to a single language within a project.
  • StoreAction – an action that will apply only to a single translation file (store) within a specific language and project.

Extension Action properties

Every extension action has a category and a title. The category is used to group related actions together, and is displayed as a small text label on the left margin of the Actions section of the relevant Pootle screens. The built-in actions for downloading and uploading translation files and archives use the category ‘Translate offline’ but extension actions can use any category they wish to. The title of the extension action is the text of the link that is displayed to the right of the category label, and clicking on that link will invoke the action with the current project, language, and/or store.

Extension action tooltips

The docstring for an extension action class is used as the tooltip (mouseover text) for the link created. Like all the other strings in an extension actions module, it too is implicitly internationalized, and can be localized by creating translation files and importing them into Pootle.

Localization of categories and titles

It may be desirable to have the category and title text displayed in different languages depending on the preferences of users. If either property is a string that is already in the Pootle localization (e.g. ‘Translate offline’) it will be displayed using the standard Pootle localization for the current locale selected by the user preferences.

Titles and categories that are not already localized (or for which a different localization is desired) should be extracted from the extension action module using the i18n script located in the pootle/scripts/ext_actions directory:

$ cd $POOTLE_HOME/pootle/scripts/ext_actions
$ ls
hello.py    i18n
$ ./i18n hello
$ ls
hello.pot   hello.py    i18n

The generated module.pot file is a translation template file that can be moved to a templates subdirectory (and copied to a language subdirectory as a PO file). These directories would be pootle/scripts/locale/templates and e.g. pootle/scripts/locale/fr. The PO file can be localized using Pootle, Virtaal, or any other translation tool that works with PO files.