
These are the instructions for upgrading Pootle from an older version to the current release.

Stop your running Pootle

You may want to stop your running Pootle while you upgrade to prevent updates to your data during the migration process. If you have RQ workers running you may want to stop those also.

Backup your system


Before upgrading we strongly recommend that you backup your current system.

Migrate your database

If you are currently using SQLite for your database you will need to migrate to either MySQL (InnoDB) or PostgreSQL before you upgrade.

Latest changes

Before upgrading Pootle familiarize yourself with important changes since the version that you are upgrading from.

Check Pootle requirements

You should check that you have all of the necessary Pootle requirements and have installed all required system packages.


Pootle 2.7.0 or newer requires Python 2.7

If you are upgrading from a virtual environment using an earlier Python version, you must upgrade or rebuild your virtual environment first.

Activate virtualenv

These instructions assume that you are using virtualenv and you have activated a virtual environment named env.

Update pip

You should now upgrade Pip to the latest version:

(env) $ pip install --upgrade pip

Upgrading from a version older than 2.6

If you are upgrading from a version older than 2.6 you will need to first upgrade to the latest 2.6.x version and then you will be able to upgrade to the latest version.

(env) $ pip install --upgrade "Pootle>=2.6,<2.7"
(env) $ pootle setup


The 2.6.x releases are meant only as a migration step.

You must upgrade immediately to the latest version once setup has completed.

Clean up stale Python bytecode

You should remove any stale Python bytecode files before upgrading.

Assuming you are in the root of your virtualenv folder you can run:

(env) $ pyclean .

Upgrading from version 2.6.x or later

Upgrade to the latest Pootle version:

(env) $ pip install --upgrade Pootle

Update and check your settings

You should now update your custom Pootle settings to add, remove or adjust any settings that have changed. You may want to view the latest available settings.

You can check to see if there are any issues with your configuration settings that need to be resolved:

(env) $ pootle check


If you are upgrading from a version of Pootle that uses localsettings.py then you may want to merge your old custom settings with your settings conf file (default location ~/.pootle/pootle.conf).

Start an RQ Worker

Statistics tracking and various other background processes are managed by RQ. The rqworker command needs to be run continuously in order to process the jobs.

If you have not already done so you should install and start a Redis server.

You can start the worker in the background with the following command:

(env) $ pootle rqworker &

In a production environment you may want to run RQ workers as services.

See here for further information about RQ jobs in Pootle.

Migrate your database schema

Once you have updated your settings you can perform the database schema and data upgrade by running. This needs to be done in a few steps:

(env) $ pootle migrate accounts 0002 --fake
(env) $ pootle migrate pootle_translationproject 0002 --fake
(env) $ pootle migrate

Refreshing checks and stats

You must now update the translation checks and populate the Redis cache with statistical data. You will need to have an RQ worker running to complete this.

(env) $ pootle calculate_checks
(env) $ pootle refresh_stats

This command will dispatch jobs to the RQ worker and may take some time.

If you wish to run calculate_checks and refresh_stats in the foreground without using the RQ worker you can use the --no-rq option.

Set up users

Any accounts that do not have an email address registered will not be able to log in. You can set the email for a user using the update_user_email command.

For example to set the email for user admin to admin@example.com:

(env) $ pootle update_user_email admin admin@example.com

As of Pootle 2.7 users must now verify their email before they can log in.

You can use the verify_user command to bypass email verification for a specific user.

For example to automatically verify the admin user:

(env) $ pootle verify_user admin

If you wish to verify all of your existing users please see the verify_user command for further options.

Next steps

Now that you have Pootle up and running you may want to consider some of the following in order to build a production environment.