Making a Translate Toolkit Release ********************************** This page is divided in three sections. The first one lists the tasks that must be performed to get a valid package. The second section includes a list of tasks to get the package published and the release announced. The third one lists and suggests some possible cleanup tasks to be done after releasing. .. note:: Please note that this is not a complete list of tasks. Please feel free to improve it. Create the package ================== The first steps are to create and validate a package for the next release. Get a clean checkout -------------------- We work from a clean checkout to ensure that everything you are adding to the build is what is in the repository and doesn't contain any of your uncommitted changes. It also ensures that someone else could replicate your process. .. code-block:: console $ git clone translate-release $ cd translate-release $ git submodule update --init Check copyright dates --------------------- Update any copyright dates in :file:`docs/` and anywhere else that needs fixing. .. code-block:: console $ git grep 2013 # Should pick up anything that should be examined Create release notes -------------------- We create our release notes in reStructured Text, since we use that elsewhere and since it can be rendered well in some of our key sites. First we need to create a log of changes in the Translate Toolkit, which is done generically like this: .. code-block:: console $ git log $previous_version..HEAD > docs/releases/$version.rst Or a more specific example: .. code-block:: console $ git log 1.10.0..HEAD > docs/releases/1.11.0-rc1.rst Edit this file. You can use the commits as a guide to build up the release notes. You should remove all log messages before the release. .. note:: Since the release notes will be used in places that allow linking we use links within the notes. These should link back to products websites (`Virtaal `_, `Pootle `_, etc), references to `Translate `_ and possibly bug numbers, etc. Read for grammar and spelling errors. .. note:: When writing the notes please remember: #. The voice is active. 'Translate has released a new version of the Translate Toolkit', not 'A new version of the Translate Toolkit was released by Translate'. #. The connection to the users is human not distant. #. We speak in familiar terms e.g. "I know you've been waiting for this release" instead of formal. We create a list of contributors using this command: .. code-block:: console $ git log 1.10.0..HEAD --format='%aN, ' | awk '{arr[$0]++} END{for (i in arr){print arr[i], i;}}' | sort -rn | cut -d\ -f2- .. _releasing#up-version-numbers: Up version numbers ------------------ Update the version number in: - :file:`translate/` - :file:`docs/` - :file:`tests/cli/data/test_pofilter_manpage/stdout.txt` In :file:`translate/`, bump the build number if anybody used the Translate Toolkit with the previous number, and there have been any changes to code touching stats or quality checks. An increased build number will force a Translate Toolkit user, like Pootle, to regenerate the stats and checks. For :file:`docs/` change ``version`` and ``release``. .. todo:: FIXME - We might want to consolidate the version and release info so that we can update it in one place. The version string should follow the pattern:: $MAJOR-$MINOR-$MICRO[-$EXTRA] E.g. :: 1.10.0 0.9.1-rc1 ``$EXTRA`` is optional but all the three others are required. The first release of a ``$MINOR`` version will always have a ``$MICRO`` of ``.0``. So ``1.10.0`` and never just ``1.10``. .. note:: You probably will have to adjust the output of some of the functional tests, specifically the manpage ones, to use the right new version. Build the package ----------------- Building is the first step to testing that things work. From your clean checkout run: .. code-block:: console $ mkvirtualenv build-ttk-release (build-ttk-release)$ pip install --upgrade setuptools pip (build-ttk-release)$ pip install -r requirements/dev.txt (build-ttk-release)$ make build (build-ttk-release)$ deactivate This will create a tarball in :file:`dist/` which you can use for further testing. .. note:: We use a clean checkout just to make sure that no inadvertent changes make it into the release. Test install and other tests ---------------------------- The easiest way to test is in a virtualenv. You can test the installation of the new release using: .. code-block:: console $ mkvirtualenv test-ttk-release (test-ttk-release)$ pip install --upgrade setuptools pip (test-ttk-release)$ pip install dist/translate-toolkit-$version.tar.gz You can then proceed with other tests such as checking: #. Documentation is available in the package #. Converters and scripts are installed and run correctly: .. code-block:: console (test-ttk-release)$ moz2po --help (test-ttk-release)$ php2po --version (test-ttk-release)$ deactivate $ rmvirtualenv test-ttk-release #. Meta information about the package is correct. This is stored in :file:``, to see some options to display meta-data use: .. code-block:: console $ ./ --help Now you can try some options like: .. code-block:: console $ ./ --name $ ./ --version $ ./ --author $ ./ --author-email $ ./ --url $ ./ --license $ ./ --description $ ./ --long-description $ ./ --classifiers The actual descriptions are taken from :file:`translate/`. Publish the new release ======================= Once we have a valid package it is necessary to publish it and announce the release. Tag and branch the release -------------------------- You should only tag once you are happy with your release as there are some things that we can't undo. You can safely branch for a ``stable/`` branch before you tag. .. code-block:: console $ git checkout -b stable/2.2.x $ git push origin stable/2.2.x $ git tag -a 2.2.5 -m "Tag version 2.2.5" $ git push --tags Release documentation --------------------- We need a tagged release before we can do this. The docs are published on Read The Docs. - Use the admin pages to flag a version that should be published. .. note:: The branches like ``stable/2.2.x`` are automatically enabled on Read the Docs using :guilabel:`Automation Rules`, so there might be nothing to do here. Publish on PyPI --------------- .. - `Submitting Packages to the Package Index `_ .. note:: You need a username and password on `Python Package Index (PyPI) `_ and have rights to the project before you can proceed with this step. These can be stored in :file:`$HOME/.pypirc` and will contain your username and password. Check `Create a PyPI account `_ for more details. Run the following to publish the package on PyPI: .. code-block:: console $ workon build-ttk-release (build-ttk-release)$ twine upload dist/translate-toolkit-* (build-ttk-release)$ deactivate $ rmvirtualenv build-ttk-release .. _releasing#create-github-release: Create a release on Github -------------------------- - You will need: - Tarball of the release - Release notes in Markdown Do the following to create the release: #. Draft a new release with the corresponding tag version #. Convert the major changes (no more than five) in the release notes to Markdown with `Pandoc `_. Bugfix releases can replace the major changes with *This is a bugfix release for the X.X.X branch.* #. Add the converted major changes to the release description #. Include at the bottom of the release description a link to the full release notes at Read the Docs #. Attach the tarball to the release #. Mark it as pre-release if it's a release candidate Update Translate Toolkit website -------------------------------- We use github pages for the website. First we need to checkout the pages: .. code-block:: console $ git checkout gh-pages #. In :file:`_posts/` add a new release posting. This is in Markdown format (for now), so we need to change the release notes .rst to .md, which mostly means changing URL links from ```xxx `_`` to ``[xxx](link)``. #. Change ``$version`` as needed. See :file:`_config.yml` and :command:`git grep $old_release`. #. :command:`git commit` and :command:`git push` -- changes are quite quick, so easy to review. Announce to the world --------------------- Let people know that there is a new version: #. Tweet about the release. #. Post link to release Tweet to the `Translate gitter channel `_. #. Update `Translate Toolkit's Wikipedia page `_ Post-Releasing Tasks ==================== These are tasks not directly related to the releasing, but that are nevertheless completely necessary. Bump version to N+1-alpha1 -------------------------- If this new release is a stable one, bump the version in ``master`` to ``{N+1}-alpha1``. The places to be changed are the same ones listed in :ref:`Up version numbers `. This prevents anyone using ``master`` being confused with a stable release and we can easily check if they are using ``master`` or ``stable``. .. note:: You probably will have to adjust the output of some of the functional tests, specifically the manpage ones, to use the right new version. Add release notes for dev ------------------------- After updating the release notes for the about to be released version, it is necessary to add new release notes for the next release, tagged as ``dev``. Other possible steps -------------------- Some possible cleanup tasks: - Remove your ``translate-release`` checkout. - Update and fix these releasing notes: - Make sure these releasing notes are updated on ``master``. - Discuss any changes that should be made or new things that could be added. - Add automation if you can. We also need to check and document these if needed: - Change URLs to point to the correct docs: do we want to change URLs to point to the ``$version`` docs rather then ``latest``? - Building on Windows, building for other Linux distros. - Communicating to upstream packagers.