.. _use_cases: Use Cases ********* .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 :hidden: migrating_translations using_pofilter using_csv2po using_oo2po checking_for_inconsistencies creating_a_terminology_list_from_your_existing_translations running_the_tools_on_microsoft_windows cleanup_translator_comments creating_mozilla_pot_files document_translation * :doc:`Migrating an older version of your translations to the latest templates ` * :doc:`Checking for technical errors in your translations ` * :doc:`Translating using only a spreadsheet ` (a look at the whole roundtrip from PO to CSV and back) * :doc:`Creating OpenOffice.org POT files ` * :doc:`Checking for inconsistencies in your translations ` * :doc:`Creating a terminology list from your existing translations ` * :doc:`Running the tools on Microsoft Windows ` * Using ``phase`` for the complete translation roundtrip * :doc:`Cleanup translator comments ` * :doc:`Creating Mozilla POT files ` * :doc:`Document translation `