Tips and Tricks

This page mentions some tips and tricks to get the most out of Virtaal. Some hidden features mentioned here might just make you a little more productive, or help you to customise things to be exactly the way you want.

Some of these features mention how to make changes to a configuration file for Virtaal. Depending on the version of Virtaal, you might be able to do the same inside Virtaal in the Preferences dialog. You can use any text editor to make these changes. These files are stored in the following directory on your system:

Platform Location
Unix / Linux ~/.virtaal/
Mac OS X ~/Library/Application Support/Virtaal/ or ~/.virtaal/
Windows %APPDATA%\Virtaal for example: C:\Documents and Settings\%USERNAME%\Application Data\Virtaal C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Virtaal

Most features are available via easy shortcuts.

Migrating to Another Account/Computer

Close Virtaal. Then find the directory with all your settings and the file tm.db (your translation memory database). Copy the contents of the whole directory to the corresponding directory on the other account/computer.

Disabling some Functionality

To disable some functionality like autocorrect, go to the Preferences and deselect it from the list of plugins.

Alternatively, you can edit virtaal.ini:

autocorrect = disabled

Updating the Information Stored in the PO Header

You can modify the information put into the PO headers using Virtaal’s Preferences window.

For older versions, edit virtaal.ini and look for the settings name, email and team. The field for the team can contain a description of your team and a URL or a mailing list address – anything really.

Specify a Language for Virtaal’s Interface

The best way to change the language of the Virtaal interface, is to change the locale of your system. For Windows, this is done in the Control Center under the Regional Settings, for example.

Changed in version 0.7.

You can specify a language for the interface that is different from the language of the system. To do this, first ensure that Virtaal is closed entirely. Then open the file virtaal.ini and edit the setting uilang under the [language] heading. Note that native window dialogs only work when this is not set, or set to the system’s language.

uilang = fr

Using Your Own Font Settings

You can specify your own font settings to use in the translation area. These can be edited inside Virtaal in the Preferences.

For older versions, edit virtaal.ini, and look for the settings sourcefont and targetfont. You can therefore set the font and font size separately for the source and target language if you wish to do so. Valid settings could look something like this:

targetfont = monospace 11
targetfont = georgia 12
targetfont = dejavu serif,italic 9

Receive More Suggestions

If you want to receive suggestions more often, even if they are not very similar to what you are translating, edit plugins.ini and lower the setting for min_quality.

If you want to receive more suggestions at a time, edit plugins.ini and increase the setting for max_matches.

Note that you can specify these same parameters for most of the individual sources of TM suggestions. Try adding or editing these settings in tm.ini under a heading corresponding to the name of the plugin.

Make faster

Do you wish the suggestions from could come faster? The speed of this translation memory plugin depends a lot on your network connection. One way that could help to make it faster, is to avoid DNS lookups. You can do that by adding into your hosts file.  

(or whatever the IP address of is)

If you don’t know about hosts files and their syntax, it might be best not to play with this setting.