.. _cleanup_translator_comments: Cleanup translator comments *************************** Translate Toolkit 1.1 saw source comments being converted to developer comments instead of translator comments. This use case shows you how to get rid of the old translator comments. .. _cleanup_translator_comments#the_change: The Change ========== We used to put all source comments into translator comments. :: # Some Comment But now place them in developer comments. :: #. Some Comment This ensures that these source comments are updated to the newest versions from the source files, which is a good thing. Translator comments survive these updates, just like you want, while developer comments are discarded. If you don't clean up your PO files you will now end up with:: # Some Comment #. Some Comment Thus a duplicated comment. Fortunately you only need to clean your PO files once. .. _cleanup_translator_comments#removing_old_translator_comments: Removing old translator comments ================================ .. note:: This will remove all your translator comments. So if you have some that you actually want to keep then you will need to manual editing Removal is simple using :doc:`/commands/pocommentclean`:: pocommentclean my-po-dir Which will clean all your PO files in ``my-po-dir`` ``pocommentclean`` is simply a nice wrapper for this sed command:: sed -i "/^#$/d;/^#[^\:\~,\.]/d" $(find po -name "*.po") This will delete all lines starting with # that are not used by PO for locations (#:), automatic/developer comments (#.), state (#,) and obsolete (#~). You can now safely commit your changes and begin your migrations using :doc:`/commands/pot2po` of :doc:`/commands/pomigrate2`