User Authentication and Authorization

Pootle’s backend for authenticating and authorizing users is provided by django-allauth, and it comes with a heavily-customized client-side user interface.

Note that while Allauth supports local and social sign-in flows, not all of them have been equally-tested on Pootle, so your mileage might vary.

At the same time, Allauth also provides tons of settings which deployments can configure to their needs, although some of them clash directly with how our workflow has been designed. For instance, leaving UNIQUE_EMAIL = True becomes a hard requirement.

Setting Up a Social Provider

Each third party social authentication provider has its own requirements, although most of them implement similar protocols (OAuth, OAuth2, OpenID etc.).

Usually providers require consumers to register their apps on the provider website. On the Pootle side of things, your provider might need to be registered as a social app against your host. In order to do this you will need to insert a few records into your SQL database.

An example with GitHub follows.


  1. Register your app against your host.

    Application name

    Some descriptive name

    Homepage URL

    URL to your Pootle server, e.g.

    Application description

    Some descriptive text

    Authorization callback URL

    URL to the callback endpoint of your provider in the Pootle server, e.g.

  2. Let Allauth know about your social provider.

UPDATE django_site SET DOMAIN = '', name = 'Site name' WHERE id=1;
INSERT INTO socialaccount_socialapp (provider, name, secret, client_id, 'key')
       VALUES ("github", "GitHub", "---Client-Secret-from-above---",
               "---Client-ID-from-above---", "");
INSERT INTO socialaccount_socialapp_sites (socialapp_id, site_id)
       VALUES (1,1);

Note the first line simply sets the domain name for the default site; you can omit it if it’s already up-to-date.