This is a guide to installing the Translate Toolkit on your system. If the Translate Toolkit is already packaged for your system, this is probably the easiest way to install it. For several Linux distributions, the package might be available through your package manager. On Windows, we recommend using a virtual environment.
If your system already has the toolkit prepackaged, then please let us know what steps are required to install it.
For build instructions, see the Building page.
Download a stable released version. Or if you have a python environment, run pip install translate-toolkit. For those who need problems fixed, or who want to work on the bleeding edge, get the latest source from Git.
If you install through your distribution’s package manager, you should automatically have all the dependencies you need. If you are installing a version from Version Control, or from a source release, you should check the README file for information on the dependencies that are needed. Some of the dependencies are optional. The README file documents this.
Installing packaged versions¶
Get the package for your system:
If you want to install easily on an RPM based system |
.tar.gz |
for source based installing on Linux |
.deb |
for Debian GNU/Linux (etch version) |
The RPM package can be installed by using the following command:
$ rpm -Uvh translate-toolkit-1.0.1.rpm
To install a tar.bz2:
$ tar xvjf translate-toolkit-1.1.0.tar.bz2
$ cd translate-toolkit-1.1.0
$ su
$ ./ install
On Debian (if you are on etch), just type the following command:
$ aptitude install translate-toolkit
If you are using an old Debian stable system, you might want to install the .tar.bz2 version. Be sure to install python and python development first with:
$ apt-get install python python-dev
Alternatively newer packages might be in testing.
Installing on Windows¶
On Windows we recommend that you install Translate Toolkit using a virtual environment. This makes installation clean and isolated.
Use the latest Python 3.9. Install virtualenvwrapper-win to simplify handling of virtualenvs.
Install latest Python 3.9
Open cmd.exe or similar
pip install virtualenvwrapper-win
mkvirtualenv ttk where “ttk” is the name for the new virtualenv
pip install translate-toolkit[recommended] to install latest stable or pip install –pre translate-toolkit[recommended] to try a pre-release
po2prop –version to double check you have the right version
Next times you need to use Translate Toolkit just remember to:
Open cmd.exe or similar
workon ttk to enable the virtualenv again
Run the Translate Toolkit commands you want
Installing from Git¶
If you want to try the bleeding edge, or just want to have the latest fixes from a stabilising branch then you need to use Git to get your sources:
$ git clone
This will retrieve the master
branch of the Toolkit. Further Git
instructions are also available.
Once you have the sources you have two options, a full install:
$ su
$ ./ install
or, running the tools from the source directory:
$ su
$ pip install -e .
Verify installed version¶
To verify which version of the toolkit you have installed run:
$ prop2po --version prop2po 3.14.8
Cleaning up existing installation¶
To remove old versions of the toolkit which you might have installed without a virtual environment or without your package manager.
The following advice only applies to manual installation from a tarball.
Find location of your python packages:
$ python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())"
Delete toolkit package from your Python site-packages directory e.g.:
$ rm -R /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/translate