Translate Toolkit 1.1.0

Released on 22 January 2008

oo2po Help (helpcontent2) escaping fixed Help (helpcontent2) has notoriously contained some unreadable esacping, e.g. \\\\<tag attr=\\"value\\"\\\\>. The escaping has been fixed and oo2po now understands helpcontent2 escaping while leaving the current GUI escape handling unaltered.

If you have not translated helpcontent2 then you are unaffected by this change. If you have translated this content then you will need to follow these instructions when upgrading.

If you follow normal procedures of creating POT files and upgrading your PO files using pot2po then your strings will not match and you will obtain files with many fuzzies. To avoid this do the following:

  1. Make sure your PO files contain no fuzzy entries

  2. Use po2oo from the previous release to create and SDF file

  3. Upgrade to the latest Translate Toolkit with new po2oo

  4. Use po2oo -l xx-YY your.sdf po to create a new set of PO files with correct escaping

You can choose to do this with only your helpcontent2 PO files if needed, this will allow you to leave your GUI work in its current state. Simply do the above procedure and discard all PO files except helpcontent2, then move these new helpcontent2 files into your current work.

prop2po uses developer comments

prop2po used to place comments found in the source .properties file in traditional translator comments, they should of course go into developer comments. The reason for this change is twofold, it allows these comments to be correctly managed and it is part of the process of cleaning up these formats so that they are closer to the base class and can thus work with XLIFF.

For the user there will be fairly large changes as one comment format moves to the next. It is best to cleanup translator comments and get your translations into a fit state, i.e. no fuzzies, and then proceed with any migrations.

moz2po no longer uses KDE comments

moz2po has traditionally used KDE style comments for storing comments aimed at translators. Many translators confuse these and try to translate them. Thus these have been moved into automatic or developer comments. The result for many people migrating Mozilla PO files will be that many strings will become fuzzy, you can avoid much of this by using pot2po which should intelligently be able to match without considering the KDE comments.

The best strategy is to get your translations into a relatively good shape before migration. You can then migrate them first to a new set of POT files generated from the same source files that the translation is based on. Eliminate all fuzzies as these should only relate to the changes in layout. Then proceed to migrate to a new set of POT files. If you cannot work against the original source files then the best would be to also first eliminate fuzzy matches before proceeding to translation. Your fuzzies will include changes in layout and changes in content so proceed carefully.

At the end of this you should have PO files that conform to the Gettext standard without KDE comments.

Read and Write MO files

You can read and write Gettext MO files (compiled PO files). Thus pocount can now count files on your filesystem and you can also compile MO files using pocompile. MO files can be compiled from either PO or XLIFF sources.

MO will now also produce correct output for msgctxt and plural forms found in PO files.

Read Qt .qm files

We can now read Qt .qm files, thus pocount can count the contents of compiled files. We cannot however write .qm files at this time.