
Converts flat XML (.xml) files to Gettext PO format, a simple monolingual and single-level XML.


flatxml2po [options] <xml> <po>
po2flatxml [options] <po> <xml> [-t <base-xml>]



is a valid .xml file or directory of those files


is a directory of PO or POT files


is a template or the original file before translation. required for roundtrips preserving extraneous data.

Options (flatxml2po):


show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


output a manpage based on the help


show progress as: dots, none, bar, names, verbose


show errorlevel as: none, message, exception, traceback

-i INPUT, --input=INPUT

read from INPUT in xml format

-x EXCLUDE, --exclude=EXCLUDE

exclude names matching EXCLUDE from input paths

-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT

write to OUTPUT in po, pot formats

-S, --timestamp

skip conversion if the output file has newer timestamp

-r ROOT, --root=ROOT

name of the XML root element (default: “root”)

-v VALUE, --value=VALUE

name of the XML value element (default: “str”)

-k KEY, --key=KEY

name of the XML key attribute (default: “key”)

-n NS, --namespace=NS

XML namespace uri (default: None)

Options (po2flatxml):


show program’s version number and exit

-h, --help

show this help message and exit


output a manpage based on the help


show progress as: dots, none, bar, names, verbose


show errorlevel as: none, message, exception, traceback

-i INPUT, --input=INPUT

read from INPUT in po, pot formats

-x EXCLUDE, --exclude=EXCLUDE

exclude names matching EXCLUDE from input paths

-o OUTPUT, --output=OUTPUT

write to OUTPUT in xml format

-t TEMPLATE, --template=TEMPLATE

read from TEMPLATE in xml format

-S, --timestamp

skip conversion if the output file has newer timestamp

-r ROOT, --root=ROOT

name of the XML root element (default: “root”)

-v VALUE, --value=VALUE

name of the XML value element (default: “str”)

-k KEY, --key=KEY

name of the XML key attribute (default: “key”)

-n NS, --namespace=NS

XML namespace uri (default: None)

-w INDENT, --indent=INDENT

indent width in spaces, 0 for no indent (default: 2)

Formats Supported

Check flat XML format document to see to which extent the XML format is supported.


This example looks at roundtrip of flat XML translations as well as recovery of existing translations.

First we need to create a set of POT files.:

flatxml2po -P lang/en pot/

All .xml files found in the lang/en directory are converted to Gettext POT files and placed in the pot directory.

If you are translating for the first time then you can skip the next step. If you need to recover your existing translations then we do the following:

flatxml2po -t lang/en lang/zu po-zu/

Using the English XML files found in lang/en and your existing Zulu translation in lang/zu we create a set of PO files in po-zu. These will now have your translations. Please be aware that in order for that to work 100% you need to have both English and Zulu at the same revision, if they are not you will have to review all translations.

You are now in a position to translate your recovered translations or your new POT files.

Once translated you can convert back as follows:

po2flatxml -t lang/en po-zu/ lang/zu

Your translations found in the Zulu PO directory, po-zu, will be converted to XML using the files in lang/en as templates and placing your new translations in lang/zu.

To update your translations simply redo the POT creation step and make use of pot2po to bring your translation up-to-date.


Indentation only supports spaces (specified with --indent greater than zero) or flattened (no indentation, everything on a single line; specified with --indent set to zero). Tabs are not supported using po2flatxml.